Registration for CHAT and eCHAT classes

Covid - 19 Contingency Plan - Our CHAT and eCHAT classes will be online for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.  To learn more about our plans for the 2020-21 school year, click here.

Important Tuition and Fee Information for the 2020-2021 Fall Semester:

We want to encourage families to register for their classes early, but we also know that there is a great deal of uncertainty for all of us these days.  In light of this we are adjusting our registration to the following:

  1. May and June - Tier 1 tuition prices and NO DROP FEES for schedule changes

  2. July - Tier 2 tuition prices and a straight $40 per class drop fee for classes dropped

  3. August - Tier 3 tuition prices and regular drop fees

As we get into summer we hope to have a better idea of what the fall will look like and we may make more adjustments.

Payment note:  If you pay with Paypal and then drop a class, the processing fee is not refunded, so it may be best to pay by check or bank transfer.  Checks will be held until July 1st before depositing and bank transfers will not occur until after July 1.


Registration for CHAT classes is done online.  You can choose to pay by Paypal, check, or bank transfer, but you must begin by filling out the online registration.  If you choose to pay by check you must mail your check immediately after you submit your registration online.  If your check is not received within 72 hours of submitting your online registration, your registration may be deleted.

Please read through the Registration and Enrollment Policies in our handbook before registering.


Register Now     


Important Note:  If you register late and are paying by check, please note that your check must arrive BEFORE classes start.  If you bring your payment to CHAT, or it arrives in the mail after the class has been  held, there is an additional $50 processing fee.